This past Friday Night, Lancaster City Bureau of fire was dispatched for a reported house on fire in the Cabbage Hill Section of Lancaster City. First arriving Engine 2 from Station 6 up on the hill reported heavy fire visible from the rear in the middle of a row. Top photo is the City Fire Shift Commander buggy and reserve Engine 5 acting Truck 2

Reserve Engine 6 acting Truck 1. Both of Lancaster City's trucks are out of service and the last two reserves have been pressed into front line service. County Engine and Rescue from the Lancaster Township Fire Department are staged behind the engine.

Two old friends of mine, one is the chief of Willow Street Fire Company and the other one is a Captain on C shift. Both great guys and both great firemen..

The front side of the house. City crews did a great job with the limited manpower to hold the fire to where it was

Engine 6-3-1 from the Lafayette Fire Company, dispatched on the second alarm staged at the corner just down the street.
I was a little late getting to this one so I just shot some scene photos..
That is all.. Have a great day!