Hey Everyone,
Hope you had a good weekend. To all the fathers, hope you had a great fathers day!
On Thursday, I decided at a spur of the moment to take Wyatt down to see Thomas the train in Strasburg after he got home from school and woke up from his nap.
Well, I was not aware that Thomas calls it quits at 2 P.M.....
We got there at 3:30 PM
They still had stuff for the kids to do, so we hung out for abit. After being at the event, it reminded me why I hate going to events like these. Large crowds full of rude and clueless people. Wyatt had fun though except when a little heathen grabbed him by the throat at the leggo Thomas and tried to shove him out of it..Wyatt is fine If you are wondering. I'll tell the rest of that story another day..
The top photo is Wyatt trying to figure out how to move the little train he was on, when I was pushing him, he was fine. Soon as I stopped, he sat there and looked at me like "Dad, now what?"
Wyatt posing with Thomas in the 2nd photo
The miniture train that they had set up, parked on the tracks being worked on. I think Wyatt would have enjoyed that, but the lines were just too long for it.
Most important part of the day was Wyatt left smiling and thats all that matters in the end...at least to me anyway!
Have a great week!