Hey everyone,
Hope your week is off to a good start. I'm off on vacation so I can't complain.
Today's photos come from a reburn at a garage fire. The initial alarm came in at 0138 for my department's rescue on the 1st alarm along with several other departments. Of course I slept right through it...Hey when you get to be close to Brad Myers's age and have been doing this for a long time...(Just kidding buddy)
We were assisting Lafayette Fire Company(my very 1st station). Initial reports were PD on the scene with a well involved two story detached garage. The garage housed five vintage autos, one being a "VW Thing". Never heard of that before.
I felt bad for the boys, talking with the chief at the reburn, It was one of those fires that Murphys Law likes to get involved with every once in awhile and this particular fire was chosen this morning. Anyone who has been in the fire service for a long time, has had at least one of those fires in their career. Several Dead Hydrants, only access was through the back lawn to the garage and a very tight alleyway.
Anyway, I was over on that side of town when I heard a mutual aid engine get dispatched to the scene non emergency to assist at the reburn. So I had the camera and took a swing over and shot some photos.
The first photo is of the Deputy Chief from Lafayette Fire Company on a handline.
The second photo is the aftermath of the garage. If you look close, you might be able to see the pickup truck in that pile.
The third photo is Engine 4-10-1 from the Witmer Fire Company
The fourth photo is Engine 6-3-2, a 1978 CF MACK(Greatest Fire Engine Ever Made) and was refurbished in 1993. That was my favorite engine to pump with, It can and still will run circles around any other engine that's built today.
The fifth and final photo is Engine 6-3-3 also from the Lafayette Fire Company as Engine 2 is as well. 2003 Pierce Quantum.
That is all for today, have a great day!!