Hi all,
I know, I missed a day yesterday. I just plain forgot, plus I did not have anything planned. Yesterday, I took Wyatt to the Choo Choo Barn In Strasburg. If you ever get the chance, you need to take a drive and visit this. It is a 1700 square foot model train layout. I've been there quite a few times and each time, I always notice something new. I apologize for the quality of photos ahead of time. I was trying to watch Wyatt and take photos quickly at the same time. I think I had my camera on the wrong settings. I did not do a whole of photoshop work, mainly because I spent about 2 hours, cropping, recropping, adding some color, sharpening the photos and I am tired..LOL
So I think this week will be all shots from the choo choo barn. Here is a link to their website. www.choochoobarn.com. If you love trains, this is the place to visit.
I will say even though I had Wyatt with me and he had a blast by the way. I think it was still very difficult to shoot. Trying to get a good angle for a shot, and with the changing lighting in the room(If you never been there, after about 5-10 minutes, It goes from day to night and back to day again.)
So here are some of the shots, Please let me know what you think and feel free to leave any suggestions.
The first two shots are of the newest model to the layout. A Turkey Hill Store and a Turkey Hill Sign with gas prices. I am told that they can change the prices in the sign to reflect current prices.
The last 3 photos are from my favorite part of the layout. A simulated house fire. If you stand in front of the house and watch. You will see smoke pushing from the roof and "fire" in the first floor. After about thirty seconds, a house siren blows and then you see the engine company from the uptown district(A tribute to my Harrisburg City Friends that read my blog) leave the firehouse. When the engine arrives, you see guys advancing a line and with real water, knocking the fire down. It's pretty cool to watch..
Time for bed, so I hope you all have a great day!!
Stay Safe,